English Courses
November 15, 2018
Advanced English 12 Advanced 12 English is an Honours English Course at ARHS which offers students of proven ability(80%+) and motivation [...]
David Solway on “The Good Teacher”
November 15, 2018
‘There is no such thing as an effective method in the custody of a defective teacher. I have never known a bad teacher who could be improved by a [...]
David Solway on The Good Teacher
November 15, 2018
Teachers cannot be trained, they must be found. And when they are found they must be lured, enticed, implored, dragooned, and even paid into the [...]
David Solway on Education as “Transformative Rite”
November 15, 2018
Whether we consult the archives of the classical drama, the procedures of the mystery religions, or the abundant anthropological lore, the structure of the [...]
November 15, 2018
This page contains articles for a) students who understand that education is an affair that goes on between teacher and student and who therefore might [...]
November 15, 2018
Students of literature and the humanities will know what a rare thing is genuine criticism – criticism which reveals and enlivens the meaning of a [...]
Philip Larkin on Books
November 15, 2018
Books I am quite the wrong person to write this foreword.’ I should never call myself a book lover, any more than a people lover: it all depends [...]
Joseph Brodsky On Reading
November 15, 2018
A new collection of essays by the late Joseph Brodsky has just appeared — ON GRIEF AND REASON (Farrar Straus Giroux, 1995). The collection includes [...]
W.H. Auden’s Aphorisms on Writing
November 15, 2018
It is the author’s aim to say once and emphatically, ‘He said.’ H.D.THOREAU The art of literature, vocal or written, is to adjust the [...]
W.H. Auden’s Aphorisms on Reading
November 15, 2018
A book is a mirror: if an ass peers into it, you can’t expect an a apostle to look out. C. G. LICHTENBERG One only reads well that which one reads [...]