- November 15, 2018
- By Admin: mrbauld
- Comments: Comments off
- “Buddhism” by Nancy Wilson Ross – an excellent and readable introduction to the basic concepts
- A Useful List of Terms for the study of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
- A Second Useful List of Terms for the study of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
- Conservative/Liberal /Socialist
- Roger Scruton (Salon Interview) on Conservative vs Liberal
- Joyce’s Epiphany: an outstanding explanation
- Stephen Daedulus’ Epiphany at the end of chapter 4 of Portrait of the Artist…
- Other Epiphanies
- Existentialism
- Existentialsim: a more detailed discussion
- Existentialism: A Primer. This should satisfy the appetite of those who want more on this topic.
- Colin Wilson makes tough philosophy readable. Read how the author of the other “Outsider” explains the mistake of existentialism and postmodernism
- Hopkins’ Inscape and Instress
- Irony: Too Much? Read an amusing exchange between two English writers
- Robert Fulford fulminates on the misuse of the word “literally.”